Thursday, December 10, 2015

Ways to prevent cervical cancer

cervical cancer illustrated
Cervical cancer mostly develops in women aged over 30 years and originates due to infection Human Papillomavirus (HPV), which has more than 110 subt-ypes and only some of them as 16 and 18 are responsible approximately 70% of cases of cervical cancer.

Risk factors

    · Getting infected by HPV
    · Having many sexual partners
    · Early onset of sexual relations
    · Smoking tobacco

How to prevent cervical cancer

To prevent cervical cancer to all women from their first sexual encounter the following tests to detect and prevent in time the disease is recommended Pap should be performed from 21 years of age at least once a year. This test can detect cervical cancer. However, for greater effectiveness is suggested additional gynecological tests. Visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA): Simple test can be used since the 30s. The test involves applying a dilute solution of acetic acid to the cervix which helps to identify the disease at an early stage. HPV Test: One of the most accurate tests to diagnose HPV several years before it triggers pre malignant lesions, which helps prevent cancer early. The test is ideal after 30 years.

Vaccine to prevent cervical cancer

The vaccine must be applied in children from age 9 through 3 doses (the second after 2 months of the first and third applied from 6 months after the first). The application of full dose guarantees protection of pre-malignant genital lesions (cervical, vaginal and vulvar); cervical cancer and genital warts.