Wednesday, September 27, 2017

7 healthy foods to lower your cholesterol

apples lower cholesterol

Healthy and inexpensive, some judiciously chosen foods assure you a healthy heart. They reduce cholesterol and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The apple and flavonoids

On a daily basis, this popular fruit is full of benefits for the body! The flavonoid it contains has an antioxidant power, which eliminates bad cholesterol from the blood. The pectin contained in its flesh would help eliminate blood cholesterol.
In addition, the apple would improve respiratory function and would have a preventive effect on cancer.

Good to know: apple juice and apple cider vinegar have the same effects on lowering cholesterol. Learn more here.

Eggplant and soluble fiber

The eggplant contains soluble fibers capable of naturally removing cholesterol. A diet composed of soluble fiber reduces blood levels by 15%.

Good to know: the eggplant can be replaced by the okra (or okro), a small green exotic vegetable that gives taste to sauces.

Nuts and Plant Sterols

The nut combines effectively: fibers (help the body to eliminate cholesterol), unsaturated fatty acids (good for the heart) and plant sterols that take the place of cholesterol. Some ideas for eating nuts: in a salad, with cheese, or as an appetizer (without salt).

Good to know: plant sterols are healthy substances that have a chemical structure similar to that of cholesterol. These substances use this resemblance to take its place in the body.

Oats and beta-glucans

Oats contain a soluble fiber called beta-glucan. This type of fiber traps cholesterol and trains it in the digestion process.
Some ideas for eating oats: in muesli, with dried fruits and shells (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts), to decorate salads, in some desserts, or in a yogurt.

Asparagus and fructooligosaccharides

Asparagus contains fructooligosaccharides, a type of carbohydrate that tends to lower cholesterol levels in the blood. Moreover, it would contain glutathione, a thiol that would contribute greatly to the elimination of oxidized cholesterol, very bad for the arteries. Asparagus is consumed: mashed, in soup, accompanied with a light dressing.

Tomato and lycopene

Cholesterol in the body may oxidize. This oxidation narrows the arteries but may be limited by a potent antioxidant contained in the tomato: lycopene. The latter succeeds in dissolving the free radicals when they form on the cells. It also helps fight against prostate cancer, osteoporosis or even diabetes. You will also find lycopene in melon and papaya.

Good to know: tomato sauce contains more lycopene than raw tomatoes

Blueberry and pterostilbene

Blueberry contains a high dose of pterostilbene. This antioxidant helps to metabolize cholesterol. Its regular consumption can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 40%. In what else to find pterostilbene? in the grape, in cranberries and their juices.

Grapefruit and naringenin

Recommended by doctors, pink grapefruit remains the absolute weapon to reduce cholesterol by nearly a quarter. It contains a special flavonoid (like apple), naringenin, which gives it this bitter taste. It has cholesterol-lowering properties, ie it lowers the level of "bad" cholesterol.
Caution: certain components of grapefruit influence the effect of certain medications. Talk to your doctor.